Quite an impressive list, and when I read that, I said to myself "Wow are all artists like this?" because I find that I do the same things and think that "artists have always been!"
Kristina makes and sell grocery bags (think green), totes, and recycled bags (again think green)on her etsy shop, which happens to be a fetish of mine. I love handbags and totes ..............I also love the fact that she is recycling materials to make into new and pretty reusable totes and bags.
a few more things that Kristina said which impressed me were her list of "things that fascinate me", such as : adventure. camera. change .french movies. green apple. grass. hill tops. hot tea. Jane Austen. Japan. knitting. new and old friends. new places. rain showers. At least we now know where her inspiration comes from. pretty impressive her thoughts and her work. Please visit her shop to get a look at all her creations. Kristina's shop can be found at http://www.washwhendirty.etsy.com. I am pleased to have gotten to know a little more about her and her thoughts and fascinations.

Well done Wilma. I'm headed over to Kristina's shop now to refresh my memory. She makes wonderful bags and I really do want one of each, lol. Thanks for the reminder to visit.
Who doesn't love bags?
I absolutely love Kristina's recycled burlap rice bags.
Great article on a wonderful artist!
What woman ever has "enough" bags....I tire if whatever one I am carrying pretty quickly, plus I'm very hard on them, throwing them on the floor of the car and my office. I always want to carry everything PLUS the kitchen sink (lol) so they wear out quickly. Teri
Another great feature Wilma! And I love the new layout and colorful look of your blog too...
thank you for this :) - been a while since i visited - i really appreciate it though :) and you can find me here now: http://washwhendirty.com where i love to feature artists and share some favorites - thanks again
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